Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We all had lots of fun this fourth. We did a camp out at Cody's grandparents house. We all hung out on the third there and camped in the back yard. Boston even enjoyed it. We got up early on the fourth and we took Boston to the parade. This was the first year that Boston really got to enjoy it. He seemed to have a lot of fun.

He had so many people wanting to hold him as he watched the parade. He especially loves being with his best buddy his aunt Lauren. Boston and his cousin Hunter Adams enjoyed some of the parade sitting together. They just sat like good little boys. When we weren't fast enough, every now and then Boston would grab a piece of candy and try to eat it through the wrapper and Hunter would get a little bored and start splashing everyone by stomping his feet in the water in the gutter. Of course that got Boston started on it too. It's really nice that us and DJ and Sally had boys so close together. When they get to play together it is just so cute.

We sure have so much fun hanging out with all of our families. Boston definately gets lots of love and attention with is great because he's a very busy boy. We hope you all had a great fourth also!

1 message(s):

Josie13 said...

Hey sorry we missed you when we were in SLC. We'll be there January-Febuary so we'll have much more time to play.