Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meet the team

In August we got to go to Snowbird to meet the Real Salt Lake soccer team. That is part of having season tickets. It was so crazy! We have gone to meet the team for three years now and this year was packed. There was TONS of people there. We didn't even bother getting in line to get autographs. We did get a picture with Leo the Lion. That was all Boston cared about. He loves Leo. He is always looking for him and yelling at him at the games.

The pregnancy is moving along. We have set the date to go in on October 29th. We are so excited! It has really gone by so fast. I think that it is partly to do with having a 3 year old also. You just don't have the time to relax as much as you do with your first. Cody sure helps me out though. He has been so great to let me take a quick nap on the weekends or just letting me relax on the couch when I've had a long day. He has been so wonderful. Little Logan is moving all the time and kicking me like crazy. Boston still seems so excited to be a big brother and have Logan here. He has helped me get the baby clothes washed and get the room set up. He keeps telling me "oh, cute mom" when he sees Logan's baby clothes. I really hope he stays this excited when Logan comes home with us. We know there's always an adjustment. If anyone has any suggestions to make this any easier on Cody and myself and also Boston please let me know. Otherwise, all is going great and we're counting down to the big day!

1 message(s):

Lindsey and David said...

How exciting! I couldn't imagine being pregnant AND having a three year old! Kudos to you two!