Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Big 4!!

On September 8th 2006 we welcomed our first baby boy to our family. Boston Cael Valdez.

Mom had some trouble with the labor not progressing, so a c-section was needed. Boston was 7lbs. 14oz. and 21 inches long. Our first family picture.

We were so in love with him from the start. We felt so lucky to be blessed with a perfect baby boy.

Daddy was so happy to have his baby boy. We're glad we can now carry on the Valdez tradition and teach him how to wrestle.

Mommy's little man. These snuggles are always the best. Love at first sight.

He is not a baby anymore, but our big boy. We love how smart and funny Boston is. How much he LOVES his baby brother Logan. How he can't wait to spend time with all his family and having sleepovers with them. Boston is such a big helper and loves to learn new things. He has brought so much joy and love into our house. We cherish all the memories we have made with Boston and look forward to many, many more. Happy Birthday Boston! We love you so much and hope that you have a wonderful birthday!!
Love- Mom, Dad, and Logan

1 message(s):

Kim said...

He is so dang cute! Happy Birthday little man!