Thursday, December 23, 2010

I know, I know

I've said lately "no one updates their blog anymore", and here I am, almost a month between posts. I wonder if anyone actually checks my blog and noticed it had been so long. HELLOOO! Anyone out there? I am kind of curious to see who actually looks at my blog so leave me a comment and say hi! If you don't want to that's okay, you can keep it a secret.
Life is crazy as usual. We stay busy with wrestling, work, Boston getting his tonsils out (and recovered fantastically), Logan getting older and being naughtier, and getting ready for Christmas! Here are a few pictures of all the fun we've had!

For Boston's birthday his Uncle Marky and (future aunt) Nicole gave him a Build-a-Bear gift certificate. We finally got around to going. It was so cute! I highly recommend doing it around 4 years old. Boston did everything and had so much fun!

Boston's making a really good wish on his dog's heart. It was so stinking cute!
Making sure Youkilis (yup, that's the dog's name) had just the right amount of fluff.
So Boston did pick out his name. Youkilis is his absolute favorite Red Sox player (Kevin Youkilis) so that is what he wanted to name his dog.

We took the boys to see the temple Christmas lights. Even though it was cold and rainy they were still beautiful.
Boston and his best buddies Sawyer and Stetson. I just love Boston's snow suit. It keeps him so warm & he looks so cute!

What a cute face! Logan poses for the camera now. He is actually saying "cheese".
My sweet boys! Love them!!
They love each other so much! Boston is such a good big brother!
Logan is playing a game with Cody and laughing so hard!
My three favorite boys. Can't get enough of them.
Had to get a picture of Logan throwing a tantrum. It is so funny when he does it.
Do you think he's too young for a cell phone?
Boston while he was recovering from getting his tonsils out. You can tell he doesn't feel great. He actually did amazing and recovered like a champ.
And to top it off... the bottles are gone!!! We are so glad! It makes life much easier. What a big boy! I did try to get a picture of him while he was drinking but he had to stop so he could say "cheese". So cute!

I just wanted to share some pictures of the Bracken Christmas party. We have it every year and always look forward to it. All the kids have so much fun! You will see for yourself how much Logan likes Santa.

Hopefully it won't take another month to update the blog. I do like doing it, I just have a 1 ,4, & 29 year old keeping me busy. I am also looking forward to seeing who looks at my blog. Very curious, so make sure to leave me a comment. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!

9 message(s):

Josie13 said...

Cute pics! I love Logan's little smile!

The Johnston's said...

Cute new pics! You guys have such a cute family! When we come to Utah we will have to get together! Don't feel bad about not updating your blog.. I haven't updated mine in FOREVER!!! My husband keeps telling me I need to. Maybe soon.. If you want an invite let me know!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! -Gina

Kenzie and Joey said...

So cute, and look at that little blondie! It's soo nice with no bottle isn't it! Wahooo!
Love the pics! And Merry Christmas!

Kim said...

Love the updates! you guys are super busy but looks like lots of fun!

Jody said...

Love the blog! It's so fun to see what you guys are up to and how big your boys are growing!!!

Tyson, Amber & Alayna said...

So cute! Merry Christmas!

The Voshells said...

Such cute kids!! Just want to pinch little Logan's cheeks!! OH..And I admit that I blog stock you. ;)

Our Family of Four said...

i love your blog, and you have such an adorable family!

Nicole said...

Where's Bostons pictures with his get well Buzz & Woody cupcakes pics??! I love you guys! p.s. I want to see little Logie Bear throw a tantrum that picture cracked me up!