Wednesday, June 8, 2011

You got time??

We've had a busy couple months. Cody was busy wrapping up the school year, and so was Boston. I have been staying VERY busy at work, which I absolutely love!! And just all the stuff we do daily. That's our life though and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Nicole graduated from the U!! Yay!! We are so proud of you!!

Nicole showing off her diploma.

Logan with Uncle Marky.

Sitting with Aunt Jaden and telling the camera "cheese".

Thankfully Amanda had her iPod to entertain Boston. Congratulations to Amanda too, she graduated from THS!!

We made a trip to Logan to spend a couple days. We love it up in Logan and really enjoy our time when we get to go there. We took the kids to a play park and met up with their cousins who we use to live by and miss TONS!!
Boston and Logan with their cousins Kiah, Porter, and Kolter. Notice Logan's "cheese" face.

Momma with her big boy.

Close up of the "cheese" face.

Logan and Daddy.

Family bowling. Boston was a pro!

Boston graduated from his first year of pre-school the end of May. We have more pictures but they are on a different camera. I will post them later. He will have another year of pre-school because he misses the cut-off by 8 days. So he gets to be a "baby buff" for one more year.
I did get one picture before the graduation. Does he look a little nervous or excited?

And here's a few randoms of the best family ever!! I just love my guys! They make me so happy and thankful for them everyday!!
Boston loves helping dad do the dishes.

Logan coloring with Aunt JJ. I think Jade enjoys it more then Logan.

Yup, those two studs are mine!!

And finally... I ran my first 5K! I never thought I would do it, and didn't train at all for it. It turns out, I love to run!! I thought only crazy people only said they enjoyed it, and if they did say they enjoyed it they had to be lying. So now I guess I'm one of those crazy people!! I have now started running 3 days a week with a neighbor. We meet at 6:45 a.m. and hit the road. It is such a great feeling!

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