Saturday, June 21, 2008


You know how kids are like little sponges and they pick up EVERYTHING you say... well Boston's new favorite word is "Gosh". It is so funny when he says it. If he wants something or he's getting impatient he starts saying it over and over. It is so hard not to laugh. That is only one of the many things that he says, but that has to be one of the funniest right now.

Boston is definitely a funny funny boy. I had to show you all this picture of him. We have this icecream bucket that we cleaned out and he likes to walk around with it on his head and we just bought him the Diego sunglasses. Doesn't he look cool. He's also showing us his muscles. Isn't he cute! We just love him so much!!

2 message(s):

Janey said...

What a cutie! Mark said he was such a good boy at the soccer game.

The Gray's said...

I can't believe how big Boston is getting! He is so cute! It was great catching up with you the other day! I'll call you soon...I promise!