Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Invading Snowbird

This last week Cody, Denise, and Boston took a small vacation to Snowbird with Carla and Paul Vagnini (Denise's mom and stepdad). We had a lot of fun. It was very warm up there even though therewere still people skiing! We did a little swimming and a few activities around the resort. Boston wasn't too sure about going swimming. We weren't sure if he thought the water was too cold (even though it was a heated pool) or that there were too many people. He just wanted to stick his feet in the hot tub with grandma. In the hotel, Boston just had to make multiple trips to the elevators. He got so excited to push the buttons and ride them up and down the floors MANY times throughout the vacation. He definitely wore us all out. Boston did have lots of fun with everyone. He introduced grandma and grandpa to Dora the Explorer and Diego. To keep our sanity we went and bought a couple of Dora and Diego DVD's so he could watch them in the other room at the hotel.

Here is a funny story!!! We got grandpa Paul to change Boston's diaper for the first time. It was really funny. Later on that night when we went to change his diaper, something was a little off. After many hours we figured out that grandpa had put Boston's diaper on backwards! The straps where in the back! It took us a while to stop laughing. Oh well, there's a first for everything right.

On father's day we enjoyed some time at Hogle Zoo. Boston had so much fun! We weren't sure if he would understand what was going on, but he would get so excited with all the different animals especially when they would come up really close to the window.

Hooray! We FINALLY get to move into our new house this Friday. We got all the painting done last week and it looks so great! We haven't taken any pictures of it yet but we will soon and post it on our blog. We are just so happy to be able to start this new chapter of our life here in Tooele.

1 message(s):

Janey said...

Hey guys! Congrats on the new house! When you guys are all settled we need to get together.