Monday, April 13, 2009

The hunt is on

We all sure had fun this Easter. This year has been great with all the holidays because Boston is to that age where he is starting to understand and gets excited. He wasn't quite sure who the Easter Bunny was for a while but he kept singing "Here comes Peter Cottontail", especially when he was at Grandpa and Grandma Valdez'. They have a bouncing rabbit that sings it and of course he loves that toy. On Saturday morning we took Boston and his aunt Lauren to Deseret Peak for the Easter Egg Hunt. It was complete craziness. We got there 30 minutes early because we were told you need to get there early and mark your spot. I could not believe how many people were already there. Well going early for a 2 year old is not good. Boston was not too happy he had to wait to go get all the toys. We finally got him calmed down and then the mad dash began. I swear it started at 11:00 and ended at 11:01. Everything was gone! You had to be quick! Boston did get some good toys though. He passed up all the candy and went for the big stuff. He got a soccer ball, nerf football, a fire engine, and some other toys. Once we were done Boston was ready to go play on the big fire engine and slide down the big blow-up slide so Grandpa Rich and Cody took the kids while Diane and I waited for the drawing to see if Boston would win a bike or wagon. In the end I think Boston was feeling a bit overwhelmed so we got him and Lauren home.

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