Sunday, June 28, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Last Monday we found out we will be having another boy! Boston is very excited because he has been saying that he wanted a baby brother, well he gets his wish. Cody and I are very excited as well. Now to find a name for this little guy. We've got a few names that we are considering but nothing final. I told Cody that he seems to always be kicking me so we should name him Striker (not seriously). He is a very active little guy though. Boston likes to put his head to my belly and talk to the baby boy because that makes him kick. Boston thinks it's funny he kicks him in the head. There will be a lot of little boys joining the family this fall. My sister-in-law Dy (Brett's wife) is due mid October with a boy and my cousin Cherise is due with a boy the beginning of October. At least they will have a little buddy to play with!

2 message(s):

Josie13 said...

I'm so excited for you! I think 2 boys is really fun. Isaac doesn't really care much about Gavin still, but I think eventually they will be buds. It's awesome that Boston is excited.

Jody said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! It will be nice for Boston to have a little brother to play with!