Thursday, March 25, 2010

Best Buddies

Look at these cool little dudes. They truly love each other. Boston hates it when Logan cries and tries all he can to make him happy. Logan thinks Boston is so funny and entertaining. He watches everything Boston does and I'm sure pretty soon Logan will be keeping right up with Boston and all he does. Boston has been such a wonderful big brother. I was a little worried on how Boston would do with Logan but we have had no problems at all. Logan gets lots of attention, entertainment, hugs, and TONS of kisses from the best big brother ever!

We finally got Logan to eat cereal. We tried it when he was 4 months old and he wanted nothing to do with it. We kept trying off and on for a few weeks and he hated it. He would clench his mouth shut and shake his head. He was not letting that cereal in his mouth. So we decided to try different flavors and they have a oatmeal and bananas cereal. We tried that this last Monday and he chowed! He would attack the spoon to get it and we had to keep making more. Logan is getting so big.

1 message(s):

The Johnston's said...

Those are some cute boys you guys have!!