Thursday, December 17, 2009

Family Pictures

We made an attempt to get some family pictures done a few weeks ago. It went pretty well other then Boston didn't want to get his picture taken. He just wanted to play. So we told him that we needed to take his picture with Logan so we can send one to Santa so he knew that Boston had a new little brother. That seemed to work. Check them out.

Life has been going wonderfully for us. We are all very excited for Christmas next week. Boston is getting so big and finally getting better with the potty training. We are now on to pull-ups. Boston is such a smart boy. He has learned how to spell his name and Cody's. He's still learning mine. He knows how to count to 60 on his own and knows all his letters. It just blows my mind how smart he is.
Logan is growing so fast. He loves to talk to everyone and smile. Cody says he's like me because he is a good sleeper. That works great for me. Less feedings during the night. Boston still loves Logan a lot and can't seem to quit kissing him and giving him loves.

1 message(s):

The Gray's said...

Those pics are adorable! You have such a cute family! I LOVE the pic of Boston kissing Logan on the head. So cute! Anyway, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! (Consider this a 'christmas card', I didn't send any cards out this year...oh well!) Denise, your hair is LONG! I like it! Anyway, have a fun holiday! You all look great!