I'm warning you right now this is a brag blog so if you are feeling a bit squeamish already feel free to move on, otherwise enjoy.
I would have to say that I am one lucky girl. I have got the best husband in the world and the sweetest boys any mom could ask for.Boston and Logan just love each other so much. They just enjoy hanging out together. Logan watches everything Boston does and thinks he is so funny. Boston is VERY protective of Logan and can't quit hugging and kissing him. I just love them so much!
Logan has been such a sweet little baby. He's just happy to be around everyone. He's a good cuddler just like Boston and is very smiley and talkative. We have really enjoyed having a new little guy around.Don't you just love bath time pictures? I think they are so cute. Whenever we give Logan a bath he just stares at himself in the mirror. He didn't like having baths till he realized that he could dangle his foot in the water and splash.
He has fun laying in his crib and watching his mobile turn and sing. It is so cute. He often talks the the animals dangling.
This is what we sometimes put Logan in to sleep at night. He is a little wiggler and does NOT like to be swaddled. This seems to work great and keeps him nice and warm (thanks Uncle Marky and Nicole).
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Lucky Girl
Posted by Cody and Denise Valdez 3 message(s)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Playing Catch-up
I know it has been a while since we had posted. I have a good excuse... holidays. Does that work? Well here's a quick run-down of the last month.
The week before Christmas we decided to go see the lights at Temple Square. Beautiful! We haven't gone for years and we really wanted to take Boston. We almost weren't able to go because a couple of days before Boston got strep throat. Yuck. We felt so bad for him because he had an awful cough, sore throat, fever, and runny nose. As soon as we got the medicine down him though he felt better. We had a lot of fun walking around and Boston loved it. It was a little cold but we were all bundled up nice and warm.
We blessed Logan last weekend. Everything went very nice. Cody did such a wonderful job on the blessing. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who holds the priesthood and sets a perfect example for our boys. We had everyone over to our house after and enjoyed some yummy food. As I was getting ready to do this post I realized that we never took a picture of us together as a family, or even Logan in his blessing outfit. Oops. Well, while we were at church, right after the blessing, Logan decided to "fill" his diaper and it got on his outfit. So when we got home I had to change him into something else. We'll have to take one soon so you can see how cute Logan looked on his special day.
It's nice to be back to normal. Well, our normal. Cody is still busy with wrestling, teaching, and yearbook. In between all of that he finds time to spend with us. I still love working at the salon and Boston and Logan are getting so big. Boston is such a little smarty pants and he makes us laugh everyday with the things he says. Logan is becoming so alert. He knows who we all are and he just thinks Boston is so funny. He is always watching him and Boston loves to see Logan smile and talk to him. Boston's potty training is almost done!!! I cannot tell you what a relief that is. I never thought the day would come. Boston had absolutely no interest and I think he tried his hardest not to cooperate. Boys will be boys right. I sure hope Logan is a lot easier to train. Everyone is over strep but now Boston has a little cold. I can deal with that. Strep was a nightmare! So please, if you are sick stay clear of my house. I think we've had our fair share. Here are a few more pictures of our cute family.
Posted by Cody and Denise Valdez 0 message(s)