I actually did another post before a month passed!! I know it's crazy, but I'm trying to stay up on this.
Our little man Boston was so lucky and got to be the Student of the Week at school. He had to fill out a poster about himself...These are a few things he said about himself on his poster:
*His favorite color is Blue (Cody tried to convince him that it is Red)
*His favorite animal is a Frog
*His favorite food is Mac & Cheese and Chicken Nuggets (He says he likes Mac & Cheese with ketchup in it to be exact. Yup, got that from his dad.)
*His favorite place to be is the Living Planet Aquarium.
*When he grows up he wants to be a wrestling coach. (He initially said he wanted to be a monkey. I don't think he understood the question so we had to explain it to him.)
*His favorite things to do are play the computer, color, and play his Leapster2. (I asked him if he likes to play the Wii but he said no because Logan always turns the TV off while he is playing.)
*If Boston had one wish what would he wish for? A Frog Pillow Pet (Luckily he is getting one for Valentine's day. Shhhhhh, it's a secret!!)
On his second day of school he took his Buzz Lightyear that he got for Christmas that talks and makes lots of noise. Yup, great toy. It turned out to be a great week for Boston. They got to celebrate Valentine's Day at school that week too so he got to have a little party. Baby Buffs preschool has been so great and I just love opening his backpack to see all the fun things he has done for the day.
Wrestling season is now over! This last week we had state wrestling at UVU on Wednesday and Thursday so as soon as Boston got out of preschool we headed straight to Orem to cheer on our team. Boston and Logan did pretty good sticking it out through the tournament. They love being around their dad (when he wasn't coaching), all the wrestlers, stat-girls, and the wrestlers families. It was so nice to have some help to keep them entertained while we were there.
I hear lots of stories from my mother-in-law Diane about Cody when he was little and him having so much fun at all the wrestling tournaments when Rich coached. It is fun to experience it myself and seeing my boys play with everyone. Boston really thinks he is one of the team and likes to go out and wrestle with all the guys. Logan just walks around and gives everyone five and pounds fists. They both get lots of attention. I just love it!
Some other news, sad and exciting.... Tangles Salon is closing. I was informed this last Monday that our owner Missy has decided she needs to close the salon. I am very sad to have to move salons because I loved working there. I will be there till the end of the month. Then I start at my new salon.... Remedies! I am very excited for this and am looking forward to this new experience. It has been around for a while and are moving into a new space this weekend so it is a brand new salon, very modern, & everyone stays up on their education and latest styles which is what I wanted. My co-worker Sharon and I are going over to Remedies together and will be starting this new adventure March 1st! So excited!
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