Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Big 2

Boston had so much fun celebrating is 2nd birthday. Lots of his family members came to enjoy the day and spoil him. A few of the things he was given was a bike, helmet and pads, scooter, basketball hoop, books, clothes and shoes, Red Sox bean bag, tent, ball pit, and tons of toys. Once he got the basketball hoop it was hard to pull him away to open the rest of his presents. That's all he wanted to do. Boston LOVES playing "dunk" as he calls it which is okay for now but when he gets older we hope he'd rather wrestle. Wrestling and Basketball is in the same season so he can't do both. It took us a few days after his birthday party to get everything put away and since then he has been playing with everything.

On his actual birthday we took him to Carl's Jr. so that he can have dinner and play in the play area. He had tons of fun. He's still pretty small so he can't climb up through it on his own. Denise had to climb through everything to get Boston to go down the slide. Their is definately a reason you should only be 4 ft to play in it. Boston loved it and he decided that he wanted to climb to the top on his own so he went crawling up through the slide. Once he got to the top he thought he was pretty cool and was really excited. Boston wasn't too happy though when he couldn't figure out how to get down. We kept trying to talk him toward the slide to go down but he was a little scared, so we sent up a couple of kids that were playing in there also to help Boston get down. He was so cute. Here's a few pictures of Boston and his family enjoying his special day.

Boston has been talking SO much better. He is putting a couple words together to communicate. It has been so great! Their is one word though that he just can't say no matter how hard we practice. Boston no longer has an Uncle Chad.... he has an Uncle Josh. Every time Boston calls Chad he says Josh. It is so funny to all of us but not to Chad. At our softball game we were all out in the field and Chad was pitching. Boston was watching the game with grandma and grandpa and he saw Chad so he started yelling "Josh" as loud as he could till Chad finally acknowledged him. Now Chad's friends call him Josh too.

As I mentioned above Boston got a new bike with a helmet and pads for his birthday. He LOVES wearing his helmet and pads whenever we are outside even if he's not riding his bike or scooter. He looks adorable. He's still learning how to ride his bike but he's trying.

3 message(s):

The Johnston's said...

He is so cute! Happy Birthday Boston! Taylor turned 2 on September 11th. They are super close in age! Looks like you guys are doing really good! :) Keep in touch

marci and josh said...

Happy Birthday Boston! He is growing up so fast and he is so cute. The story about Josh (Chad) is so cute. We need to get Boston and Daxton together to play sometime.

MDM EKINS said...

Cody, I can't believe your boy is so big! I'm glad you guys have one of this things. I'll have Megan link your site to ours.
Check you later,