Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life's Crazy

We have all been so busy lately. Cody is back in school and just loving it. Some days are definitely better then others, but overall it's been good. He's teaching full-time and still working at Utah Fabrications two nights a week. Lately they've been trying to get him to work for them full-time and not teach. Cody loves it at Utah Fab but teaching is definitely his passion. Denise is busy working at Waves part-time and still loves it. She's currently working on building her clientele back up since we've moved back to Tooele. So anyone looking for a stylist let her know!

We've all been attending the THS football games. Cody's helping on the sidelines doing the chains to mark the yards and Denise and Boston are up in the stands cheering on the team. Grandma Diane goes to the games with us also because Grandpa Rich is still the athletic director so he's down on the field. Cody is really excited to start wrestling season to start in November. He can't wait to coach the Buff's.

Cody and Denise started playing co-ed softball again at Deseret Peak. We sure have a lot of fun. Our season will go until the end of October. Boston loves coming to the games to watch mom and dad play. He likes to cheer for us and embarrass his Uncle Chad by yelling "Josh" as loud as he can till Chad acknowledges him. Chad's friends like to call him Josh now.

We are finally getting Boston to go bed at night without us in the room. It works most nights but some nights he starts stalling and says he needs a drink of milk, pooh bear needs milk, he'll climb up on the changing table and say he went pee, and sometimes he'll just want mom. It gets very frustrating but we know it's just part of being a kid.

We're still trying to potty train Boston... not working so well. He just doesn't care, unless it's at night and it's time to go to bed then all of a sudden he's ready to go to the potty. If anyone has any suggestions on how to potty train a 2 year old please share.

Lately we've been trying to get Boston into the habit of saying his prayers at night with mom and dad and praying before he eats. It is so dang cute! We've even got him to say the prayers. I know it's silly, but last night when he was going to bed we asked him if he was ready to say his prayer and he said yes. Boston ran over to his bed and knelt down and folded his arms and bowed his head and waited for us so we could say them. It took everything I had not to start crying. It was just the most sweetest thing. Even when Cody was helping him say the prayer I was fighting it back not to cry. Then to top it off Boston was laying in his bed ready to go to sleep and Cody was singing "I am a Child of God" to him and Boston would sing what words he knew with Cody. I know I'm a baby, but it was just so precious. I just had to share that with everyone because I just thought it was so sweet.

1 message(s):

The Gray's said...

Hi Denise! So is Cody not teaching full time? So our friends from Logan (Matt and Tatiana Southams), live there in Toole. He works at the high school too. I think he teaches a history class or something. Anyway, sounds like life is crazy busy! Isn't it great! I will be added to your clientale if you want to meet me in SLC! I miss your hair-doing talent! Let me know!