Wednesday, November 24, 2010

All About Us

My future SIL posted this questionnaire on her blog and I thought it was kind of fun so I thought I'd do it to. Here's a little bit about me and Cody.

{1} What are your middle names?
Cody's is Ray

Mine was Michelle till I got married and then I changed it to Herrera. If you asked Cody he would say it's Ugene (Eugene) so that my initials were DUH. Ya, he thinks he's funny.

{2} How long have you been together?
We started dating 13 years ago and have been married for 8! Ya Baby!!

{3} How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Pretty much our whole life. I lived next door to his grandparents when we were little. Went to elementary school together for a couple of years and then Jr. high and high school.

{4} Who asked who out?
Cody would say that he asked me out first in 7Th grade, but I told him no. I then asked him to a dance in 10Th grade and he told me no. We finally got it right just before our junior year.

{5} How old are each of you?
Cody and I are both 29.

{6} Did you go to the same school?
Yes, a couple years together at East Elem. and then Jr High and High School together.

{7} Are you from the same home town?
Yup, and we both bleed purple!

{8} Who is the smartest?
We're equally smart in different areas. :-)

{9} Who majored in what?
Cody has his Assoc in Drafting and his Bachelors in Engineering and Technology Education.
I went to Cosmetology school at Hairitage.

{10} Who is the most sensitive?
I would have to say that we are both pretty sensitive, but I'm not sure what Cody would say. Maybe me?

{11} Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

{12} Who has the worst temper?
He'd probably say me...hmm...ok I'd probably say me, too.

{13} How many children do you want?
Right now I'd have to say two sounds pretty good, but Cody would still like to try for that girl.

{14} Who does the cooking?
We both do, but I think Cody is the better cook.

{15} Who is more social?
I'm not sure, maybe Cody?

{16} Who is the neat freak?
I am! I like things in their place.

{17} Who is the most stubborn?
Hands down I am.

{18} Who wakes up earlier?
Definitely Cody. I don't like to stay up late or wake up early. Yup, a little boring.

{19} Where was your first date?
Neither of us can remember. But I do have to say that we've had a lot of fun ones!

{20} Who has the bigger family?
Immediate, I do. Extended, Cody does.

{21} Do you get flowers often?
Not often. Every now and then he'll surprise me.

{22} How do you spend the holidays?
Together and with family. That's what makes it so fun.

{23} Who is more jealous?
The girl I got this from said:
"probably me..of his time more than anything. He is really busy, which is a good thing, but we have to schedule time to just stay home, sometimes."

and I feel THE EXACT SAME WAY! (Had to copy you Nicole because that fits us PERFECTLY!)

{24} How long did it take to get serious?
Probably happened pretty fast because we had liked each other for so long.

{25} Who eats more?
Cody does.

{26} What do you do for a living?
I am a Cosmetologist (hairdresser) at Tangles Salon.

Cody is a Teacher, Wrestling and Soccer Coach, and Yearbook Advisor at Tooele High.

{27} Who does the laundry?
I do. That is the one thing Cody does not do. I actually enjoy doing it. Weird?

{28} Who's better with the computer?
Definitely Cody!

{29} Who drives when you are together?
Cody does.

{30} What is your song?
"How Do I"

If you decide you want to do this, leave a comment and I'll go check out your answers.

2 message(s):

Nicole said...

DUH is pretty funny!!

Cody and Denise Valdez said...

Now, this is Cody's input on some of the comments Denise made.

1) I also tell Denise that with a middle name as Ugene, her initials are now DUV. So, when she married me she went from DUH to a DUV! (So pure and white) :)

4) I wouldn't just say that I asked her out in 7th grade...I did. I am not just saying it, it really happened!

5) Even though we are both 29, we all know who is older...Denise.

8) I would agree that we are equally smart, but once again we all know who is always right...ME!!!

I thought it would only be fair to add my two cents as well :)