Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lions and Bears... Oh My!!

We had a great Halloween. Boston was Leo the Lion (Real Salt Lake mascot) and Logan was Whinnie the Pooh. Loved their costumes and they worked out great for keeping them warm. They got tons of candy that we just absolutely needed (sense the sarcasm). We did trick-or-treat on main this year and was a little disappointed. Not as many businesses participated and let me tell you, standing in a extremely long line for one piece of candy isn't up my alley. Luckily Boston didn't mind skipping those ones. We did go into one of the skate shops which was a mistake because Boston was waiting patiently to get a rice crispy treat and all the bigger kids were shoving him out of the way. Mama Bear was getting unleashed and about took those kids out. I couldn't believe it. So I picked him up, got his treat and quickly got out of there. We then did the ward trunk-or-treat which turned out pretty good but got rained on a lot. Halloween is not that fun in the rain.This is the only family shot we could get. Logan wasn't too interested, hence the grumpy face.

So we attempted a shot of just the boys.

Boston giving us his best Lion ROOAARR!

Halloween picture with Uncle Marky and Nicole with her crazy lashes. Made my eyes water just looking at them.

And we had to take a picture with the boys buddies Stetson and Sawyer. They get babysat at their house. Sawyer is the knight and Stetson is the dragon. Such cute costumes. If you can't tell, this was the only picture we got of Logan smiling. He loves them.

2 message(s):

Kim said...

oh I love both the costumes! So adorable!

Janey said...

Cute costumes!

Halloween is one crazy day! Cameron's candy definitely disappeared to daddy's work.